What to Expect From an Astrological Chart Reading

If you have ever sat for an astrological chart reading, it can feel like deciphering ancient hieroglyphs. To understand your natal chart, it’s important to know the basics of houses and planets.

Most people are familiar with their Sun Sign — the sign that represents your core personality and energy. However, there is much more to your birth chart!

What to Expect

Astrology is based on the belief that the movements of planets and constellations at the time of your birth affect your personality, emotions, and relationships. It can also help you make better decisions about how to spend your time and energy.

Astrologers use a map of the sky from the moment you were born to gain insight into your life. The map is called a birth chart. It's divided into houses, which represent different areas of your life. For example, the first house is about appearance and how others see you. The second house is about family and home, and the third house is about communication.

You may be familiar with your sun sign, but your natal chart contains much more information than that. The astrological system divides the zodiac into twelve signs, and each one has its own meaning and symbolism. For example, Pisces are idealistic dreamers, while Aquarius is analytical and practical. Your rising sign describes how you present yourself to the world and the part of your personality that emerges first. The Moon sign is another major feature of your natal chart, and it shows how you think and feel. The planets' positions at the time of your birth also give astrologers clues into your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if Mercury is in the sixth house, you might struggle with communication and expressing your feelings.

An experienced astrologer from Carol Starr Astrologer will take all these factors into account when reading your chart. She may even consider your past-life karmic lessons and incarnations. She can help you see the mythic meaning behind your unarticulated urges and intense yearnings, as well as everyday changes of mood and direction that feel arbitrary or confusing to you otherwise. Visit Website of Carol Starr Astrologer if you re looking for an In-Depth Astrology Reading.

Many people seek astrologers for relationship advice. A professional astrologer can offer insights into your soul mate, or she can perform a synastry reading with the chart of you and your partner. Astrology also reveals how you are cosmically suited to each other in terms of career, children, and finances. An astrologer can also recommend optimal times to plant crops or start a new project by using electional astrology.


Astrology is an esoteric science, and each astrologer interprets charts differently. But a good astrologer will be able to give you general guidance and insight into the themes that run through your chart.

If you get a natal chart reading, the astrologer will look at the houses and signs in your birth chart to see what kind of energies are there in your life and how they may manifest. They will also look at what kind of aspect (or connection) each planet is making to its other placements. Hard aspects (like conjunction, opposition, and square) can indicate areas of tension or difficulty; soft or easy ones (like sextile and trine) can show where you might find support and opportunity.

A good astrologer will also be able to read your solar return chart, which can provide a sense of what to expect in the year ahead. These are based on the same information as your birth chart, but the astrologer will use a different method to calculate the timing of events.

Many astrologers will also read your transit chart, which is based on the current positioning of the planets in relation to your birth chart. These are the planets that move, and they will affect your life as you go through the years. A good astrologer will be

Finally, some astrologers will also use a progression chart to help make predictions about the future. These are based on the movement of the planets over time, and they are often used to predict major events like marriage, health, and children.


Astrology is a complex field and every astrologer interprets a chart differently. It is important to find someone who resonates with you and makes sense to you.

Many people go to an astrologer hoping they will get concrete predictions about their future. However, most astrologers do not make specific predictions because it is extremely difficult to know what will happen in the future from one's natal chart. It is more useful for astrologers to focus on the trends and patterns of the times you are living in, as well as your potential gifts and challenges.

There are many types of astrological readings that an astrologer can offer, and the first one is your birth chart analysis. A natal chart reveals the exact position of the planets when you were born. It provides insight into your personality (for better or worse), strengths, weaknesses, passions and motivations. It also shows you where you have the potential to fulfill your life's purpose. It is important to remember that a natal chart is not fixed; it can change as you grow.

You can also opt for a solar return or lunar return reading. These are done once a year when the Sun and Moon move back to the same spot in the zodiac sign they were in when you were born. These readings help you to understand where you are in a cycle and what you need to learn.

Other astrological readings include the transit or progressions reading. This is a more in-depth look at what's happening now, and how you can use your inner strength to overcome your challenges. An astrologer can use the progressions of your chart to see what themes you are currently working on in your life.

Comparative astrology is a type of astrological reading that compares the horoscopes of two or more people. This is usually done to see how a relationship might evolve. This type of astrological reading includes comparing the natal charts of couples, as well as event charts such as electional charts for national events or natural disasters.


The work of a professional astrologer is to take all the pieces that comprise your birth chart and weave them into an incredibly accurate portrait of who you are. A Sun sign reading alone can be very helpful, but a trained astrologer will also look at each planet in your chart and the house it was in at your birth. For instance, the sign in which Mercury was positioned at your birth will show you how you communicate and what kind of approach you tend to take to relationships.

A trained astrologer will also know how to read the hard and soft aspects that the planets make with each other. A hard aspect, such as an opposition or square, means that there is tension between two planets or angles in your chart and you will likely feel challenged by one of these areas of your life. Soft or easy aspects, such as sextile or trine, are when the planets and angles in your chart seem to be helping each other out.

When an astrologer looks at your chart they'll often see themes or repeated patterns that you've been running into in your life. These may be the old "garage sale" pattern that's always showing up, or it might be a lesson related to your career. In a more spiritually inclined reading, an astrologer might speak of your soul purpose, the themes you came here to learn and experience this time around.

A trained astrologer will also be able to see when your transits or progressions are occurring. In a transit chart, the inner wheel contains your natal planets (blue) and the outer wheel shows the position of the transiting or moving planets on January 1, 2019. A trained astrologer will compare these two charts and note when the orange planetary symbols in the outer wheel come into contact with the blue ones in your natal chart. This is a great way to get an idea of the opportune and challenging energies that you can expect in the near future. This is why it's best to get a reading from a professional astrologer.

If you have ever sat for an astrological chart reading, it can feel like deciphering ancient hieroglyphs. To understand your natal chart, it’s important to know the basics of houses and planets. Most people are familiar with their Sun Sign — the sign that represents your core personality and energy. However, there is much more…